Exclusion of Anti Social Forces
1. "Anti Social Forces" means:
(1) an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a related company or association of an organized crime group, and any other equivalent person of above; or
(2) a person who themselves or through the use of third parties conducts a demand with violence, an unreasonable demand beyond its legal entitlement, use of intimidating words or actions, damages the credit or obstructs the business of the other party by spreading false rumors or by the use of fraudulent, or any other equivalent actions of above.
2. Each party represents and warrants that is not a person who has fallen and shall not fall under any of the followings:
(1) the Anti Social Forces;
(2) a person having such relationship with the Anti Social Forces that shows the Anti Social Forces' substantial involvement in the person's management;
(3) a person having such relationship with the Anti Social Forces that shows reliance on the Anti Social Forces;
(4) a person who cooperate and is involved with the maintenance or operation of any Anti social Forces by providing funding to any Anti Social Forces or any similar act; or
(5) a person who is engaged in socially condemnable relationship with the Anti Social Forces.
3. Each party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and request for the damages without any notice and any and all obligations of the party owed to the other party shall become due and payable and the other party shall immediately repay such obligations, if the other party breached the representations and warranties in the preceding clause.
(1) 暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団関係企業、その他上記に準ずる者
(2) 自ら又は第三者を利用して、暴力的な要求行為、法的な責任を超えた不当な要求行為、脅迫的な言動をし又は暴力を用いる行為、虚偽の風説を流布し又は偽計を用いて相手方の信用を毀損し又はその業務を妨害する行為、その他上記に準ずる行為を行う者
(1) 反社会的勢力
(2) 反社会的勢力が経営に実質的に関与していると認められる関係を有する者
(3) 不当に反社会的勢力を利用していると認められる関係を有する者
(4) 反社会的勢力に対する資金提供又はこれに準ずる行為を通じて、反社会的勢力の維持、運営に協力又は関与する者
(5) 反社会的勢力と社会的に非難されるべき関係を有する者
3.各当事者は、相手方が前項の表明及び保証に違反した場合、相手方に対する何ら催告を必要とすることなく、本契約を解除し、これにより生じた損害の賠償を請求することができ、かつ相手方は自身が負うあらゆる義務につき期限の利益を失い、直ちに支払うものとする。また、かかる解除を行った当事者は、これによって本条に違反した相手方に損害が 生じてもこれを賠償ないし補償する義務を負わない。
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